After the initial driving portion of the day, we headed back inside to take personalized delivery of our vehicles. Frederick met back up with me, and led me back to the entrance area to go over my car.
He first showed me the keys (2 main, 1 valet), as well as 2 Performance Center Delivery pins. We then went over each piece of documentation one by one: Owner's Manual, NAV/Computer manual, Check Engine Light explanation sheet, Accident Documentation pamphlet, Service Manual, etc. As nice as it was to be shown such attention to detail, I did get a little impatient. I was there for the car! Thankfully, Frederick only gave a cursory explanation to each document.
He then explained the operation of the key: locking, unlocking, trunk release. He also showed me how to remotely lower the windows. Unfortunately, he hadn't removed the "Do Not Touch! This is a customer's car!" placard resting on the passenger window. When that window went down, it drew the placard along with it into the door. It did not come back up when we raised the window. Frederick arranged for the Performance Center vehicle maintenance department to fish the placard out during lunch, and he was very apologetic and embarrassed.
We then proceeded to go over the car in detail, concentrating on the NAV/radio unit, as pretty much everything else was self explanatory to me. I verified that the car was
delivered with 3 miles on the odometer. We also did an acquaintance call with BMW Assist, where Assist verified emergency contact information, as well as took my credit card number to activate the Assist service.
Finally, we paired my Bluetooth phone (Motorola V600) with the car. Once the phone and the car found each other, I simply had to enter in the passcode provided with the car, and the phone and car were bonded, and proceeded to download the phonebook from the phone to the car. Painless.

By then it was time for lunch, and my car was pulled out of the entrance foyer and out back to have the placard removed from the door. Due to the need to do this, I was unable to take many pictures of the car during delivery, but I did take many pictures right outside the Performance Center after I returned from the factory tour later that day.
For lunch, we were free to choose anything from the Performance Center cafeteria. I got pasta with meat sauce, some broccoli, a cheesecake, and a bottle of green tea. During lunch, one of the other owners mentioned that when he purchased his previous BMW 15 years ago, he was offered a chance to participate in some event in Connecticut, but couldn't remember where. I mentioned it might have been a driving event at
Lime Rock. As I started to characterize LRP as a deceptively easy looking track, Ben jumped right in and said, "Yes, but it's not. It's very, very tricky." He said its relatively short length meant that any mistakes made were magnified.
I asked if he had any favorite courses. Ben paused to think for a moment, and answered
Road America at Elkhart Lake. He also mentioned that
VIR was a nice course as well. When the E90 owner (I'm horrible at remembering names) asked if he had any favorite NASCAR tracks, Ben winced and said "No, I'm really a road racer and prefer road courses." Bless him.
As we were finishing up lunch, Ben asked if anyone would like to take a "spirited run"
around the test track (in red) with him at the wheel. Is the Pope catholic? We all finished up our lunches, and headed back outside, where Ben was waiting at the wheel of a Titanium Silver M3 w/Competition Package (ZCP). The E90 guy went first, and Ben pulled out of the parking area onto the track and dropped the hammer.
Holy *!@$#! It zoomed away with a burst of acceleration that was surprising to see first hand. In the blink of an eye, it had disappeared from sight, the right-hand side of the course being blocked by a Performance Center building. We could hear the revs drop a bit as they negotiated the curves, then build back up as it went down the back straight, coming back into our view going at least 100 mph. Then hard on the brakes as they entered the big skidpad for a revolution and a half of full-on drifting. You could hear the revs rise and drop and Ben controlled the drift with throttle and steering inputs. He then executed a 270 degree spin to line up with the skidpad exit, and powered tail-happy through the final turn, rear wheels spinning all the way. Here's
a video of the last half of the run.
It got to be my turn, and I asked if I could record an in-car video of the ride with my camera. He said, "Tell you what: Let's do two runs, so you can fully experience the first, then you can tape the second." Fine by me, I put the camera down. DSC off, S6 selected, hammer down. HOLY #%!@%#@!!!! The in car feeling was more visceral than I could have imagined. Full-throttle S6 shifts at redline are just amazing to feel with the clutch slamming down hard and pushing you into the seat with each shift. Ben thread through cones set up for other courses like they weren't even there, and approached turns at some amazing speeds. Obviously putting on a show, he was sliding the tail out and drifting all over the place. Down the back straight and hard, HARD!, on the brakes into the skidpad. The drift around the skidpad felt sedate in comparison to the previous 15 seconds, but then he executed the 270 and the world spun until magically the exit appeared right in front of us. He gunned the throttle to take us out of the skidpad and through the final turn, tires howling all the way.
We then paused, and as I started to take my camera out, he said "Hold on. Put that camera away, let me show you something." He then did a Launch Control launch. Impressive, but he had to cut short the launch to still have room for the second run. Camera out, right arm bolstered against the door sill, videotaping. Off we went again, with me attempting to hold the camera relatively still. The resulting
in-car video can be found here.
After the instructor hot laps, we said goodbye to Ben and got into our cars for the trip to the Zentrum and the factory tour, where our day was to end. Because they were still working on getting the placard out of my car, they gave me a Black Sapphire 645Ci to drive over there. We all followed Frederick in a Mystic Blue 645Ci as we headed out the Performance Center parking lot
out onto SC-101 down to the Zentrum. As we drove through the factory/Zentrum parking lot, we followed Frederick as he pulled from the lot
onto the wide sidewalk right next to the Zentrum, so we wouldn't have far to walk. BTW, the entire experience was like that: we were treated like VIPs, with everything being taken care of in a very professional way. Once inside, we were handed off to the factory tour guide. After handing in our digital cameras and phones, we were issued safety glasses and headsets from which we could hear the guide in the noisier sections of the factory.
The body shells and other metal forms are not produced on site at Spartanburg, but are subcontracted out to some other company in South Carolina. And the engines are made in Austria. But it is all painted and assembled at the Spartanburg plant, and we were able to see all the different production lines: painting, welding, powerplant/chassis marriage, interior assembly, testing. The testing was interesting to see. Each car is driven into a testing booth, kind of like an emissions testing station, where it undergoes a structured, simulated "road test" that exercises all elements of the drivetrain: engine, transmission, brakes, etc.
We also saw the vehicle prep area. We were told that Spartanburg acts as the VPC for 22 states: All of the southeast plus the midwest.

After the tour, I explored the exhibits in the Zentrum, taking pictures of a few cars, including a CSL 3.0, which is a spiritual ancestor of my car. (Note the side fender vent grills on both cars. Never noticed that before. Cool.)
I headed back to the Performance Center, to retrieve my now placard-less car, and to take
a bunch of pictures now that I had the chance. I then drove back to the
Zentrum to take
yet more pictures.
Then my Performance Center Delivery experience was over. It was a blast, with the driving portions and the spirited run with Ben the instructor definitely the highlights. I highly recommend PCD to anyone who has the opportunity to do it. The only cost is getting yourself to Greenville/Spartanburg. Plus, you get the chance to fully experience your car on the drive back. For me, this meant driving the Blue Ridge Parkway/Skyline Drive as well as assorted other destinations on the way back. If you'd rather skip straight to the pictures, visit
this photoset on Flickr.